Caviar Studios Website

About The Project:

Cherry8 were asked to lead on a project which involved converting Caviar Studios physical studio into a virtual one.

Cherry8 consulted with the team at Caviar Studios and designed a bespoke WordPress site, this involved adapting a minimalistic approach to their content and including some transitions and effects which allowed the site to appear more ‘fun’ whilst still maintain their professional high grade façade.

The specifications for this site included a responsive web design, Content Management System (CMS) and code optimisation.

The Challenge:

Caviar Studio have a diverse target audience therefore it was crucial that the site worked quickly and it was responsive to high amounts of traffic. The senior team at Caviar discussed that they required a full CMS solution which was capable of easily managing their content, customers and the bespoke landing pages.

Cherry8 worked with the requirements set by the caviar senior team and were able to create a completely custom CMS in the backend which allowed the team to be able to meet their requirements without spending too much time or causing aggravation.

Cherry8 ensured that through creating each content type separately, the team were able to make updates as and when required to the site without using HTML or any advance practices.


A well-balanced team is key for the evolution of every project and brand. That is why Cherry8 and The Caviar continue to strengthen their bonds by working together to satisfy their market and design needs of their outstanding clientele. A patronage that continues to grow thanks to the effort and expertise dedicated by all involved to featuring the quality and commitment of their work.