Urna Dolor Website

Urna Dolor: Optimising and fuelling website performance

Urna Dolor, a luxury clothing brand which had first-hand experience of working with Cherry8, wanted to build a high specification, upmarket website which replicated the Founder, Daniel’s high standards – Urna Dolor welcomed back Cherry8.

Urna Dolor wanted to improve the process and quality of website traffic therefore Cherry8 had to prepare and execute a Search Engine Optimisation strategy that would place it within its deserved listing among other high end luxury brands.

Through researching common trends and themes, Cherry8 carefully selected key ‘Buzzwords’ which enabled Urna Dolor to secure a ranking with the most selected terms for their audience

The Challenge:

Urna Dolor experience high volumes of traffic therefore it was vital for Cherry8 to be able to improve the site speed whilst ensuring no downtime was experienced for customers.

Urna Dolor were keen to be able to update their content frequently to fit with their brand, Cherry8 were required to upgrade the CMS used by Urna Dolor to allow content upgrades to be done seamlessly by the management team.